Meet the Corona crew ! Episode 1: Douwe

Meet the Corona crew !
Episode 1 : Douwe

We find ourselves in a unique situation at EV with a very stable crew: the whole team has been here for at least 3 months now! We would like to introduce you to this ‘Corona Crew’, next up: Douwe!

Douwe came to the Peruvian jungle 10 years ago to start Esperanza Verde together with Olivia. Today he still is a proud director of EV and is involved in every project. What is he most proud of? “The animals we have been able to return to the wild.”

Douwe is a real handyman and, at least it looks like this for the volunteers, is able to fix everything. However, on the question ‘What is the most recent thing you have learned?’, Douwe answered: “Doing an interview is not as easy as it sounds.” Still, Douwe managed to answer all his questions :

What do you love about EV?

That it is in the middle of the jungle, with a lot of animals.

What would have happened if you would have left for Africa instead of South America 10 years ago?

I would not have left for Africa, as I was already there.

What didn’t you expect before starting EV?

I hoped it would be like it is now.

What are you most proud of?

The animals that we have been able to return to the wild.

What is your favorite job/activity?

Handling the animals, but of course only when there is sufficient cause for it.

Would you like to have a month where you would just do the work volunteers do?

No, been there, done that.

What is the most difficult thing about living here?

People, in my opinion, communication is so much more difficult than with animals.

If you could go back in time, would EV look very different?

No, but if I could go back and would have had 1 million dollars it might look different. I think I would have chosen a different spot, more suitable for state of the art construction and infrastructure.

What will EV look like in 10 years?

More or less the same, but probably a bit bigger.

What would you do with 5000 soles (not to be spent EV related)?

Buy some nice tools (no this is not EV related!).

What do you like to do on the weekend?

Relax, be more in the forest.

Which memory at EV makes you laugh/happy?

Mica (adult female capuchin monkey), finding Marlons water paint colors at the construction site while I was babysitting him. Colors everywhere….

What animal is Olivia most like?

A bee, always `buzzing` around everywhere

What is the most recent thing you have learned?

Doing an interview is not as easy as it sounds. But I continuously learn things….

How did Corona influence this place in your eyes?

The Management changed a lot. Daily life generally stays the same. The organizing of food and material- the administration got a lot more complicated.