Meet the Corona crew !
Episode 12 : Kim
We find ourselves in a unique situation at EV with a very stable crew: the whole team has been here for at least 3 months! We would like to introduce you to this ‘Corona Crew’, today learn more about Kim!
This 21-years-old “Dutchie” arrived on the 9th of March and was supposed to stay 2 months, but is very happy to stay longer. For her co-volunteers it’s not difficult to imagine what made her stay longer: It’s definitely the kinkajous that convinced her. Kim, you must know, has a bit of a crazy obsession for kinkajous but she has some more obsessions, for example taking pictures. Kim happily combines these obsessions as well, which is the reason that we hear at least 10 times a day: “Who wants to see a cute picture of Kiko (our male kinkajou)?”
Definitely another of Kim’s obsessions is vegan food. Therefore, we couldn’t do anything else other than asking her for her favorite jungle-meal. Kim’s eyes started shining when she told us: “Guacamole for breakfast, lunch & dinner! But also veggie burgers, pasta white sauce & pizza”